Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9-11

So here we are, 7 years later. I can still remember what I was doing the moment I found out. I was in the middle of a writing exercise with my 4th graders at the time when my assistant principal came to the door to deliver the news - to me only. We didn't want the kids to know without their parents since many of them had moms and dads as flight attendants and pilots at the school. I still am amazed how the day unfolded. I remember thinking for a moment that this was it; that it was the end of America as we knew it. That was true in a sense, because we've never fully recovered to what we were before.

So today I am thankful for being an American, for being blessed to live in this great nation, for having all the freedoms that I truly, truly take for granted each and every day. The other night as I was falling asleep, a strange thought came to mind. I was so thankful that I could fall asleep peacefully, with my kids across the house, knowing that there were not possibilities of bombs or raids or even men in the streets with guns. I could just fall asleep with no worries.

So I will end with a tribute to why we have and will continue to have our freedom:

Take the time to watch.

Take the time to pray.

Take the time to remember.

Did you fly your flag today?

1 comment:

ross said...

thankful thursdays are cool... very cool.

the photography on this site is awesome!