Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Big First Grader

and my day that wouldn't end.

Well, just to finish the story, yesterday did get worse, unfortunately. And it just wouldn't end soon enough. Why, you ask? Please, let me tell you; because you just can't make this stuff up!

After picking Gracie up we headed for an after-school treat at Sonic for half -price drink happy hour (2-4 in case you're wondering!). I then needed to get to the bank because I also had discovered, embarassingly, that I was overdrawn and needed to cover myself. As I am sitting at the ATM, having already put my card in the machine and looking at my list of last transactions, the ATM sucked up my card - gone! Are you kidding me?!

So back I went, out of the ATM line to pull into the teller line to see about getting my card back. And then WHAM! You know those big yellow metal poles? Yeah. . . . you know, they are made to keep cars from hitting things, so why don't they pad them??? So now I have a huge yellow scrape down the back passenger side of my car.
I was in complete awe of my day. I would have gone to bed right when we returned home to get the day over with but then remembered Wes had his first soccer practice . . .

The kids finally hit their pillows about 8:15 and me about 9:30. Today I have woken up a new woman because by the end of Monday, I was getting on my own nerves!

So on to my Gracie-girl . . . here are a few pics of her first day of school . . .
Notice the flowers & card for her teacher . . . And here we are rushing down the street toward school, which is still several blocks away!In front of the school - notice what's now missing?In the classroom trying to get over not having our flowers & card. :(Yes, it's fake and looks very painful!
But I'm happy to report that here she is at the end of the day -
smiling and bouncing out to meet us!

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