Friday, August 21, 2009

Meet the Teacher

She is SO excited! We met her teacher tonight, Mrs. Cathy. It's funny being on this side of things. For so long, I was the teacher anticipating my students. Now I'm the parent anticipating mychild's teacher. A lot changes once you have children of your own; I would be such a different teacher.
So here are a few pics from the evening of "Meet the Teacher" - many thank sgo to Wes who took it upon himself to do most of the photographing. I think you'll be able to tell whose are whose. :)

(Mrs. Cathy is the one with her back facing us. Why don't I get a picture with her this night?? Oh, well!)OH! And by the way - did you notice the new specks?! Hard to see here, but oh so cute! I'll take a more "professional" pic and post it here soon . . .

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I did notice the new 'specs' and I love them! Having always worn glasses, I remember how great it always was to start the new school year with new glasses. I hope Gracie has an awesome year in 1st grade!